Anime might be best known for over-the-top action, dramatic plotlines and complex characters. But there are plenty of other types, too. Let’s explore what anime is, whether it is a good hobby, and how to start watching anime!
What is Anime?
Anime is a type of animation originating in Japan. Anime developed from ancient hand-drawn art called “manga.”
The word anime, written in rōmaji, is the kanji writing of the word “animation” in Japanese. The word first came into common usage in the 1970s when Japanese animators experimented with new animation techniques and began creating their own animation, which had previously been restricted to movies and television shows.

Why is Anime Popular All Over the World?
Everyone has their own reason to love anime. Some people first got into the hobby because they loved the art style, while others were drawn in by specific characters or storylines. There are lots of different anime series available for you to choose from – whether you’re young or old, looking for something educational or just want an action-packed adventure!
The common answer for this is people are drawn to anime because of the art style. Some people started as a fan because they loved a particular character or storyline. Most anime series are available in many different types that will suit any age group’s fancy, from children and teenagers to adults who want something educational.
In addition, anime has been popular all over the world since it originated from Japan. It’s gaining more popularity now than ever before! Especially with an interactive way spent following along with there favorite show via storytelling apps like Nico Video which you can use on your phone or computer browser. People who don’t speak Japanese can still follow the story just by looking at the drawings and words that appear on screen – what better way to watch your favorite series?
Is Anime a Good Hobby?
Anime is a good hobby to get involved with if you want to expand your horizons! Many anime series are inspired by Japanese myths, legends and folktales. Some of these programs are even aired on television! Most anime is created for audiences at least 13 years old, but there are loads suitable for younger viewers, too. And thanks to streaming services, it’s easier than ever before to find the one that’s right for you.
What are the Benefits?
If you’re looking for an interesting new hobby or way to spend free time, anime might be perfect for you! This type of media has been around since Japan first developed animation techniques in the 1970s. Today it has gained popularity all over the world – especially with interactive storytelling like Nico Video.
What are the Drawbacks?
Anime can be discouraging if you don’t know where to start. There’s so much content out there that it’s difficult for beginners to pick something they’ll enjoy. Different anime fans want different things – some people love action-packed shows while others enjoy educational or comedic series instead.
All in all, anime is a fun hobby that has become more popular than ever before! Thanks to streaming services and apps like Nico Video, it’s easier than ever before to find the one that’s right for you. The benefits of anime are endless – whether you’re looking for an interesting new way to spend your free time or just want something new and different . It might seem overwhelming at first, but if you stick with it and learn what kind of anime is best for you, you’ll enjoy this hobby for years to come!
Types of Anime Series to Watch for Every Age Group
You can find anime that are suitable for all ages, whether you’re young or old. There are series created specifically for children and teenagers, as well as shows for adults. Some of these programs are even aired on television!
There’s a type of anime out there for everyone! Let’s explore some different genres available:
You’re young and want to start with something light-hearted and fun. Chances are, you’ve already seen at least one anime series – because most children’s animation is actually straight-up Japanese anime! These shows include:
As a teenager, you might be looking for something that has more drama and action. Lots of teenagers get hooked on shonen anime like Naruto, Bleach or Fairy Tail. They typically focus on the battle between good versus evil, featuring human heroes or otherworldly creatures fighting against each other or other threats. Some shonen series include:
If you’re loving shonen anime, but want something with a little more challenges for the protagonist to face, seinen anime is the answer. These series are suitable for older teenagers – typically 17 and up – because they explore complex storylines or difficult topics like death or violence. You might also find some romantic elements in these shows if you enjoy love stories. Titles include:
Perhaps you’re looking for something educational? There are plenty of anime series created specifically for younger audiences (think around 8-12 years old). Children’s anime will often feature fun characters that help teach children about different subjects like science or history. Some examples include:
As an adult, most people tend to go toward any type of action-packed show that they can watch. However, even adults can enjoy anime that’s either just for kids or focuses on drama and romance instead of battles scenes. Check out these titles:
Adult anime often has more mature themes than children’s shows – just like in American animation! If you’re not interested in something like this, there are plenty of other options available to watch though!
You can find anime that are suitable for all ages, whether you’re young or old. There are series created specifically for children and teenagers, as well as shows for adults. Some of these programs are even aired on television!
Teenagers looking to get into the world of anime tend to start with a popular series like Pokemon or Attack on Titan. These shows tend to have exciting adventures with relatable characters that many teenagers can connect with. There’s also the slice-of-life genre found in anime, which often follows a group of friends in a high school setting.
Traditional live-action shows may be deemed “boring” by teenagers looking for something exciting to watch after school or on the weekends. And while anime may seem edgy and weird at first, it’s important that parents understand their children are watching stories with lessons and morals–just like any other show on TV! Anime geared towards teens can teach them about friendship, teamwork, and trust issues… Just don’t tell your kids we said so!
If you’re still not sure what types of anime there are, let’s think of it this way: if Nickelodeon cartoons were produced in Japan and had more violence and mature content, they’d probably be anime! This means that shows like SpongeBob SquarePants and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles would be considered anime.
Anime geared towards kids is often colorful and vibrant, with comedic plots that are easy to follow–which makes them super fun to watch! You might not learn much in terms of lessons or life skills, but your children will have a blast watching these animated worlds come to life.
If you’re still feeling overwhelmed after reading this article… well, don’t panic! There’s plenty of time for you to get started with the world of Japanese animation. If there’s one thing anime fans learned in our research, it’s that the best way to get into the fandom is by simply trying out different shows. You may find that the wacky world of anime has a lot to offer!
What Are Some Popular Anime I Can Start Watching?
The most popular anime that you can start with is the Dragon Ball Z series. This anime is loved by people of all ages and it has an exciting and fascinating storyline. If the protagonist, Goku, was a human living in our time, he would be classified as a superhero.
Another series loved by many people is One Piece. The various adventures and trials faced by the main characters make this show popular. It also features soundtracks as well as an interesting storyline complete with suspenseful plots and fun twists.
Many other anime such as Sailor Moon and Card Captor Sakura also have good storylines that will keep viewers interested in the show till the end. They are loved for their compelling drama as well as their fantasy elements that give the show an interesting touch.
If you’re interested in fantasy anime, then you should try out Miyazaki’s work. His movies are beautifully animated and they feature themes about life, love, and friendship. Many people who watched his movies were left with a deep sense of appreciation for the wonderful world around them.
Currently, Tokyo MX airs some of the most popular anime series that can be enjoyed by children as well as adults alike. These include Death Parade (a show about two bartenders that play games with people’s lives at stake), Durarara!! (an action-packed drama), Blue Exorcist (a story about exorcists fighting demons), Sword Art Online II (a story about teenagers trapped in a virtual reality game), Cute High Earth Defense Club Love! (a comedy featuring magical boys who save the planet from destruction), and many more.
Of course, there are also anime series that air on free-to-air channels such as TV Asashi and Fuji TV. These include One Punch Man (an action story about a hero who can easily overcome any opponent with a single punch), Assassination Classroom (a story about an alien teacher who wants to destroy earth… but he’s actually trying to teach his students how to survive) and Yowamushi Pedal (the story of a boy starting out as a cyclist).
14 Fun Facts about Anime
There’s more to anime than just cartoons and kids’ shows. In fact, the anime industry is a massive billion-dollar market with some seriously complex and interesting history behind it. Here are some of the most interesting facts about anime that you may not have known.

The term anime was coined by the creators of Astro Boy. However, Osamu Tezuka did not like it because he felt it didn’t sound right in Japanese.
Hayao Miyazaki’s film “Spirited Away” is the highest-grossing film in Japan’s box office history at over $300 million dollars. It is also the first film to make over $200 million dollars outside of Japan.
In Spirited Away, characters have carefully chosen names that signify their personality traits. For example, Kamaji means ‘old boiler man’, Boh is the word for little boy or son in Japanese (or daughter), Zeniba refers to money witch, and Yubaba bathhouse owner who has a tenant named Chihiro meaning literally “a thousand searches.”
The names of 2 Pokémon, Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee, are pretty interesting. They’re named after four famous fighters, but their alternate names come from Japanese world champion boxer Hiroyuki Ebihara and kick-boxer Tadashi Sawamular.
Almost everything happened without Zuko in The Last Airbender! The writers would have never thought of him, but when they needed more action in their story (last minute), guess who delivered? That’s right; we get to see this awesome fire bending from one-half of the Fire Nation.
Katsuki Bakugo is one of the most popular anime characters out there, and for good reason. Originally intended to be gentle yet strong-willed like his voice actor Koyuki Hashimoto, Creator Kohei Horikoshi decided this made him too boring so he changed things up! This change set off an amazing chain reaction that led to making My Hero Academia what it was today – plus added some more badassery along with fiery hair color…

The Bakugan Battle Brawlers has a habit of making music and film references for fans to spot. The Japanese episode titles are all named after songs! Each one is an internationally recognized classic, mostly from the 1970s.
When Masashi Kishimoto was writing ” Naruto,” he had originally planned the character to be a chef. However, after deciding that this would not work for some reason or another (perhaps because people might get confused?),he changed gears and created what we know today: an action-packed story about a boy who can transform into a fox.
If you want to make something popular, create an anime about it. That’s what Haikyuu!! did! The series was created by Haruichi Furudate in order for people around the world to know how much fun and cool volleyball can be. And after watching this show came out? Students started enrolling into clubs again noticeably more than before despite there being other sports available at their schools such as football or baseball.
Naruto’s favorite ramen shop ‘Ichiraku, is a real place in Kyushu near the university that Masashi Kishimoto, the author of Naruto, went to.
The word “Pokémon” is a combination of two English words, “pocket” and “monster”. The term was created using the English language and is not related in any way to Japan or its culture – it’s just an interesting fact!
The 2003 Academy Awards were the first time an anime had been nominated for Best Animated Feature. This win marks a landmark in animation history and is one of many reasons why we should celebrate American companies like Disney who have started to take notice of Japanese culture as well!
Anime and Manga Terms
Action: Anime that focus on physical combat.
AMV: A video created by editing clips from one or more sources, usually related to a music track.
Baka: The word for idiot.
Bishounen: A hot guy, or a handsome young male in anime.
Ecchi: Anime that focus on sexual content.
Doujinshi: An independently published manga that is often an unofficial parody of a currently existing series.
Chibi: A Japanese term for tiny characters and people drawn in an exaggerated manner, typically with big heads and small bodies. The word literally means “short” but can be translated as the English equivalent of “cute”. In anime/manga it refers to children (or adults seen like children) who are no taller than 120 cm – 130 cm tall. They can also signify immaturity when used to describe adult males similar characteristics such as short stature, child-like appearance, emotional outbursts over petty matters etc.
Cosplay: A performance art in which participants wear costumes and fashion accessories to represent a specific character or idea. Cosplayers often interact with attendees, posing for pictures and signing autographs. The term is of Japanese origin but it can be used in English as well.
Gundam: Anime that focus on space battles involving giant robots called Gundam Units (usually human-sized).
Kawaii: Kawaii means “lovable” or “cute.” In addition to describing things people find lovable, kawaii have been embraced by the anime community where they are mainly applied to characters who appear cute because of their non-threatening personalities—although the degree varies from person-to-person.
J-pop: A type of Japanese popular music.
Manga: A comic book or graphic novel that is typically created in Japan, and often serialized in a magazine called manga (Japanese for “comics”). The word means “whimsical pictures” in Japanese.
Mecha: Anime that are set in the future with giant robots piloted by humans which can transform into different shapes to fight enemies.
Moe: Moe is an all-encompassing term used to describe cute things as well as people who are seen as being ‘adorable’ or ‘cute’. The pronunciation differs depending on the region.
Otaku: An anime enthusiast who has an obsessive interest in the medium. The term is of Japanese origin, and it may be used to refer to someone with more general obsessions or fetishes as well.
OVA: Anime that are short films produced by one company (as opposed to being commissioned by TV networks) and typically released on DVD; they usually run for 40-60 minutes at most, but there have been cases where episodes were longer than a typical OVA series.
Senpai: Senpai is a formal way of saying “senior” or “upperclassman”. It’s often used when describing classmates/teachers/students etc., especially if the age difference between them is significant.