Axe Throwing
If you’re looking for a new hobby, axe throwing might be the perfect fit. It may sound strange at first, but it’s actually quite popular in places like Canada and the southern United States. It can be done recreationally or competitively. Learn more about this exciting sport that’s taking over North America!
What is Axe Throwing?

Axe throwing is where one person throws an axe at a target that another person tries to hit by swinging an ax of their own with great force. The two people are separated by a small barrier so they are not able to make contact with each other while competing.
There are three main types of games played during an axe throw event: hatchet toss, double-bit, and single-bit. Each variant is similar to the next with some small differences in how they’re played.
Many individuals interested in playing this sport will start off by joining an established club located near them such as Bad Axe Throwing Calgary. They usually offer training sessions so you don’t get injured while learning the ropes of the sport. You can also purchase your own equipment on their website to use at your leisure and hone your skills at home before trying out for a more serious axe-throwing league like those found within Canada.
Who Participates in Axe Throwing?
More and more people are taking up this sport each year because it’s great for both recreation and competition. It might seem dangerous, but that isn’t the case at all if you follow safety protocol.
Many individuals are using it as a way to unwind after enduring a long day at work or school, much like how darts became popular to play at bars. Young adults are also getting involved by forming their own clubs to compete against other groups in different cities across North America.
Each club will have its own competitive season. They’ll usually host their tournaments once every month during the competitive season where winners are crowned based on who threw the most accurate and furthest!
Why Should You Try Axe Throwing?
Axe throwing is a great way to unwind from your busy day-to-day lives by setting up a regular date with friends or getting involved in an organized league. It’s less time-consuming than paintball, but just as much fun if you do it right!
The best part about this sport is that anybody can participate without having to be super athletic or strong. We all begin equal when learning how to throw an axe because nobody knows what they’re doing at first.
That’s what makes it so enjoyable – beginners are able to compete against people who have been doing it since the beginning of time.
Next, you’ve got some free time on your hands and want to try something new. You’ve heard that axe throwing is a great way to unwind, so you decide to give it a go just for fun.
And then…you fall in love and can’t stop thinking about all the people you’ll invite over the next time you have some free time! It’s super accessible and easy to learn how to do so there’s no reason not to give it a chance.
Where Can You Do This?
If you’re interested in participating either as a recreational or competitive league play, there are many resources out there that can help provide more information about where people gather locally or online to throw axes together. Axe throwing is very popular right now with many locations popping up all over the place, so if you’re ever curious about the clubs available in your area there’s no reason to worry.
You can even make some new friends on online communities like Reddit by asking around for axe-throwing leagues close to where you live!
What Equipment Do You Need?
Axe throwing is similar to darts, but with axes. You’ll need different equipment than steel-tipped darts, but not necessarily anything too complicated.
All you will need for this sport is an ax (duh!), something sturdy to stick it into, and a friend or two that wants to try it out with you! You don’t even need any protective gear like helmets or vests because of how safe this can be when played correctly.
How Do You Play Axe Throwing?
Much like a dartboard, you’ll need a target to throw your axes at. The target is usually made out of wood and is filled with round holes which are set by distance – the further away your target is from you, the smaller the hole will be in order for it to be more challenging.
Once you’ve found your ax, pick a sturdy throwing surface such as a wooden plank or thick tree trunk which can hold up an ax sticking out of it without breaking apart when struck!
The best way to learn how to throw an axe properly is by enrolling yourself in an organized league where you can get pointers and ask questions in person so nobody gets injured during training sessions.
It’s also helpful to watch videos online with demonstrations on how to throw an ax with accurate velocity and enough whip at the end of the throw so it sticks into the target.