Building Models
When you build a model, it’s like building your own little world. You get to create something from scratch and put in your own personal touch. It doesn’t matter if it’s small or big, even just painting can be an enjoyable experience that allows for creativity and expression. There are so many benefits of modeling as a hobby – read on!

Building the Model?
With this type of modeling, you get to build up your model from scratch! From finding the right materials to adding your own personal touch, it’s fun to create something on your own.
There are so many possibilities when building the model, but one must remember that details are important. Even just getting paint onto a piece that has no color yet is rewarding because it means progress!
Whether it’s small or big, you can enjoy building models by creating your very own little world with them.
If you’ve ever wanted to do more with your models, why not share them with others? Modeling can be a social hobby, allowing you to connect with people. Whether it’s joining a Facebook group or hosting an event yourself for fellow modelers, it can allow for great interactions and conversations.
Of course, this doesn’t mean that building models are only meant to be shared- if you want to keep your models all to yourself, go ahead! Express your creativity by adding small details here and there all on your own!
Benefits of Building Models as a Hobby
A sense of accomplishment
You can build or paint a model to your exact liking and feel like you’ve accomplished something. Maybe you’re not the best at it, but there’s something about having fun while doing something that makes it worthwhile regardless of how well you do. It allows for creativity and expression all the while allowing you to feel like an artist in some sense.
Perfect for practicing patience and putting in detail
Every project requires patience to put together and adding the little details can be tedious, but it’s worth it. You won’t always be satisfied with your work (that’s okay!), but you’ll learn from your mistakes and become better as a result. Every failure is one step closer to success, so don’t give up!
Can be social
You can share this experience with others! There are tons of model clubs and groups out there where people meet to talk about their craft and show off their hobbies. You can make new friends or even find a partner that shares common interests with you. Either way, building models as a hobby is great because it allows you to spend time with others and be social.
Expresses creativity & individuality
When you make a model, it can be as unique as you want to make it. You don’t have to follow the instructions or standards; if there’s something you dislike about the design of a model you’re building, change it up! It gives an opportunity for personalization and a sense of self-expression like no other hobby does.
In the end, there are tons of benefits of modeling as a hobby for those who enjoy being creative and expressing themselves through putting their own unique touches on models. Whether you build them from scratch or paint already-finished pieces, take pride in your creations and enjoy the process of making them!
Common Model Making Terms Explained
- Scale – The size of an object relative to its actual size. For example, if you’re building a 1/6th scale model airplane out of balsa wood, then it’s going to need a lot more surface area than the real plane.
- Profile – A three dimensional representation of an object’s shape.
- Hairty stick: Hairty sticks are used in the production of plastic models to make it easier for modelers to paint them. A batch of hairty sticks are cut to the same length and then glued, end-to-end, into a long rod of wood. One side is painted with paint or primer; this will be the “inside” and not visible when finished. The other side has no coating so that it’s easier for modelers to grip them as they do their work.
- WIP: WIP stands for “work in progress.” It is used as a term to show that something is not yet complete.
- C&C: C&C, short for “comments and critique,” refers to the process of reviewing drafts or modeling projects with other people before approving them. The goal here is accuracy and quality control; it’s also sometimes called peer review.
- Rivet Counter: A rivet counter keeps track of how many rivets are needed for a certain project by punching holes at intervals on a paper roll representing different lengths of metal rod. When all the slots have been punched, you know you’re ready to move on to the next section without having to go back over your work again counting every time!
- Shelf Queen: It is often used in the modeling community to describe a model that has never been completed no matter what you want to complte it.
- Shelf of Doom: A shelf of doom happens when you can’t find any place else on your workbench, desk, or display case to put more new model kits because your collection has already taken over every available space!
- Stash: If you need an easy way to store all those unfinished projects without cluttering up your entire workspace, try building yourself a stash box. You could even make it look like a treasure chest, and every time you open it up to work on your latest project idea, you’ll feel like a kid at “the candy store.”
- OTB: OTB means “On the Bench,” a model you are currently working on.
- Kit-bashing: When you hate a brand that you share your complaint publicly on every social network accounts you own.
- Sink hole: A sink hole happens when you’ve been working on a model while spending lots of money for its part.
- Weathering: Weathering refers to how designers add detail such as dirt build-up and scrapes/scratches into their models to make them look more realistic. Some of the easiest ways to weather a model are with paint, sandpaper, and tea.