Drone Flying
Flying drones is a relatively new but rapidly growing hobby that has been made popular by the significant price drops in drones and equipment in recent years. There are many advantages to drone flying-it’s a great way to see the world from a new perspective, it can be extremely rewarding when you finally create your perfect shot, and it offers the opportunity to take on exciting projects with friends and family members.

Advantages of Drone Flying
View the world from above
One of the main advantages of drone flying is that it allows you to view the world from a new perspective. You can fly your drone high in the sky through mountains, or across oceans into countries you’ve never been able to visit before. It’s also possible to see things much closer up than you would be able to do otherwise, like seeing what’s happening on your neighbor’s lawn.
Learn new skills
Another advantage to drone flying is that it can be a great way to learn some new and exciting skills. It’s possible to practice the basics of first-person video before even getting on a skateboard or trying skiing, and also offers the chance for you to try out your video editing in different conditions. This can help you develop your sense of composition and learn how to capture the best footage.
Share your hobby with friends and family members
Drone flying is also a great way to share your hobby with friends and family members. It allows you to try out new tricks together, like racing each other through the woods or trying out all different kinds of maneuvers in open fields. It can be fun for people of all ages, so it’s possible to get the whole family involved-and maybe even compete with them!
Take on exciting projects
One last benefit to drone flying is that it gives you the chance to take on some unique and exciting projects by yourself or with others. For example, you could create a time-lapse video over several hours, or you could just fly your drone over your favorite cliff and take some artistic photos. The possibilities are endless!
So What Do You Need to Get Started?
- You’ll need a camera with at least one or two lenses
- A controller for the drone with a display
- A few batteries so you have spares
- A memory card for your photos and video
- A laptop or smartphone so you can edit your photos
- Optional: a tripod to hold the drone steady as it films
- Optional: a gimbal for your camera’s lens
Once you have the equipment, learning how to fly is simple. Just remember that there are regulations in place where you live that dictate how high and far away from humans drones should be flown, so make sure to read up on those before you take off!
It might be a good idea to find an online course about drone flying if it’s your first-time too-expertise can come with experience but also from training!
And don’t forget to do research into what type of FAA registration is required based on which country you live in and how to use the equipment you bought responsibly.
Common Drone Terms
Accelerometer: The accelerometer is a device that measures and reports the acceleration of an object. It does this by measuring in three dimensions, with respect to gravity, or g-force (Gs).
AGL: AGL stands for Above Ground Level which refers to how high up off the ground something is. This measurement can be taken on any terrain type including sea level, USGS topography, or a contour map.
Acro Mode: Acro mode (or acrobatics mode) is an advanced flying maneuver(s) that allows for free-spirited flight requiring skill and precision to control the drone while in motion. It’s perfect for aerial photographers who want more creative shots than what traditional drones can offer.
Air Traffic Control: Air traffic controls refers to those people responsible with monitoring airspace activity so it remains safe and orderly by managing aircraft traffic at airports, heliports as well as other duties related to aviation safety including airworthiness of planes and helicopters.
Atti Mode : Atti mode stands for Attically Assisted Take Off which means you are using your own power (usually your arm) to lift the drone into the air.
Auto Leveling: Auto leveling is a function that allows for level flight in all directions, even when there are changes in elevation or wind movement. This feature helps pilots fly more accurately and safely without having to constantly make adjustments on their own behalf.
Bind-N-Fly (BNF): Bind-N-Fly (BNF) refers to drones that can be used with a controller but require additional parts before flight––such as an RC receiver, propellers and battery or their own remote control system in order for them to work properly. They’re typically more affordable than preassembled options due to lower overhead costs because they can work without being attached directly to a transmitter while also having fewer components which makes troubleshooting issues less likely when compared with Ready-ToBefly drones like quadcopters or hexacopters.
BVLOS (Beyond Visual Line of Sight): BVLOS stands for Beyond Visual Line of Site which refers to drones that can be flown beyond what someone would normally expect through sight. With this comes additional safety considerations such as increased use of GPS navigation systems while flying within an area with other obstacles nearby including power lines and trees.
Center of Gravity: The center of gravity becomes important once you start purchasing new equipment, such as propellers, for your drone. You’ll need to know the center of gravity so that you can ensure each component is properly balanced in order to maintain flight stability.
Commercial Drones: Commercial drones refers to those who are employed by an entity and have obtained a Remote Pilot Certificate from the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration). This certificate indicates they are qualified and able to fly these types of aircrafts legally while following all applicable rules and regulations mandated by federal law.
Controller: A controller consists of two parts – first there’s the transmitter which is used like a joystick or gamepad; second, there’s the receiver unit with a display screen where pilots view video feed coming from their cameras mounted on their drone.
Dronie: Dronie stands for Drone + Selfie. This term is used to describe the act of capturing a selfie with your drone and it’s often done from above, looking down at you in an aerial view.
ESC (Electric Speed Control): ESCs are electronic speed controllers that can be installed on drones to help alleviate challenges related to windy conditions or other factors that might disrupt flight stability.
FOV (Field of View): Field of View refers to the amount of space that is visible in front of you as determined through a camera lens. This can be measured in degrees, millimeters or feet depending on your specifications and equipment.
Ground Station Controller: Ground station controllers refer to those who use their smartphones instead of a separate transmitter when using an FPV goggles headset because it offers more convenience by eliminating the need for a physical device during flight while also providing better visuals than what you might have otherwise experienced with just your eyes alone if not wearing them.
GPS: GPS refers to Global Positioning System and is a system of satellites that orbit Earth which can be used for tracking purposes in order for drones like quadcopters and hexacopters––among others––to know where exactly they are at any given moment so long as there’s signal from those orbiting satellites overhead.
Gyroscope: Gyroscopes are mechanisms often used for stabilization purposes when flying drones which help pilots maintain their orientation during flight by using an rotating disc affecting its axis direction based on momentum changes. They work well with quadcopters due to its ability to fly in four directions at once without losing stability from windy conditions while hovering in place.
First Person View: First person view is a feature often found on FPV goggles that allows you see what your camera sees by attaching it to the front of your drone––either on top or beneath. FPV goggles are used for those who want to experience a first person view by wearing them but have issues with cameras that come built into drones like quadcopters and hexacopters due to how they’re positioned in relation to where you might be sitting when using it.
Headless Mode: Headless mode refers to a function found on some multirotor UASs which allows pilots complete control over the direction of flight without having to worry about orientation as long as their antenna is pointed towards whatever direction they’ve entered in their controller settings. It’s advantageous because pilots don’t need an understanding of which way around each rotor is pointing, instead only needing knowledge of how different directions on the controller correspond to whether they’re turning left, right or going forwards.
Hexacopter: Hexacopters refer to those who have six rotors attached and provide more power than standard multicopters because they use two separate motors per rotor instead of just one.
IP Rating: The IP rating system is used to assess how well a device or enclosure can be protected from intrusion by foreign objects and fluids––often environmental factors such as sand, dust, water and oil. Different ratings include IP65 (meaning it’s safe from the effects of immersion in water), IP67 (safe against impact with solid bodies) and even higher levels like rain-resistant.
LiPo: LiPos are rechargeable batteries found in drones that can be either A123, lithium-polymer or Lithium ion which is why it’s important to make sure you know what type your drone uses before buying additional ones for charging purposes because not all types are compatible with each other and will instead result in damage to your device if used improperly.
Part 107: The FAA has updated its requirements for those wanting to fly drones commercially. Part 107 is required in the United State when operating a drone for commercial purposes.
Quadcopter: Quadcopters refer to those who have four rotors attached which provide more stability than standard multicopters because they use two separate motors per rotor instead of just one. They’re also advantageous when it comes to flying indoors due to their ability to hover above an area without drifting away or needing adjustments on a controller to prevent it from doing so.
Roll: Rolling refers to the UAS rotating 360 degrees on its own axis––typically around a single point like an axle––to provide pilots with a better view of whatever they’re flying over.
RTF: Ready-To-Fly (RTF) refers to drones that have been pre-assembled and are ready for immediate flight after only requiring a few basics, such as charging the battery or installing propellers. They’re typically very simple in terms of components which is why they can be one of the most affordable options available on the market today but potential drawbacks include increased risk when compared with building your own drone from scratch because troubleshooting problems will require professional assistance due to lack of knowledge about how each component works together.
UAS (Unmanned Aircraft System): UASs refer to those who fly without human interaction––typically by remote control via wireless communication between the user’s transmitter and the drone.
OK, so now that we’ve covered what you need and where to start with your drone flying hobby, it’s time to get out there and take some awesome footage!
Drone flying can be a hobby for anyone. Whether just learning how to fly, trying to capture the perfect shot, or competing with family and friends it is always an exciting experience.