Gardening can be a great hobby for many reasons. It’s therapeutic, it helps you grow healthy food and it can even be used to regulate your mental health. You don’t need much to get started either – just some land that gets sunshine, the will to work the soil and a few tools!

The benefits of gardening
Reduce stress
Gardening helps to reduce stress, which has many mental and physical health benefits. It reduces feelings of depression, enhances your sense of self-esteem and contributes to overall improved quality of life.
Gardening is therapeutic
The act of gardening can actually be therapeutic in itself – depending on the type of garden you choose to grow. Some plants are known to aid relaxation or other positive emotions, while others may help with mental clarity or focus. You could try growing lavender if you want to promote sleepiness!
Gardening is also great exercise – it requires a lot of heavy lifting (literally) as well as bending down frequently. It’s also an easy way to get away from screens for a few hours – kids love it!
Regulate your mental health
Gardening can even be used to regulate your mental health, with certain plants being linked to improving memory or promoting calmness.
Growing your own vegetables can make you feel more secure about keeping healthy food in your home – great if you have allergies! It may also encourage people to cook healthier meals with what they’ve grown, which is a win-win.
How to get started with gardening
Make it easier on yourself
Start with a small garden and see how it goes from there! It might be difficult to balance your time between the garden and other commitments, like work or school. You’ll find that you can’t keep up with everything if you try to grow too much at first.
Also remember, not every plant takes the same amount of time to grow successfully. If you’ve only got a few minutes each day, growing food might not be for you at first.
Concentrate on small tasks
Gardening is more about the journey than the destination. It’s better to have a little bit of success each week rather than too much failure!
Try keeping your plants healthy by watering them every day, everyday. Get to know their needs and learn what works for you – both your plants and yourself!
Build a community around gardening
Gardening is something that requires passion and patience, but it shouldn’t be done alone! You can join Facebook groups or forums where people with the same interests as you discuss their ideas and problems.
Or you could even try cooperating with your neighbors to make a bigger garden – you’ll have more space to grow what you need, while also expanding into other areas that might interest you!
Keep it simple
Don’t forget that gardening doesn’t have to be all or nothing. You don’t need any special equipment or seeds to get started – just a few household items will do!
Some soil, pots and seeds can allow you to grow healthy food in your own home. It’s not difficult or expensive to start small. You’ll find that when you love what you’re doing it doesn’t matter where you are or who is around you – gardening becomes its own reward.
The best plants for beginners: fruits, veggies and herbs!
All you really need are some healthy seeds, soil and sunlight. You can get started with glass cloches or cold frames if the weather isn’t warm enough to start planting immediately.
If you’re looking for a list of cheap things to buy for your garden, check out our blog post on how much money you’ll save by growing your own vegetables . Gardening also has many tangible benefits that are listed in our article about organic farming vs traditional farming , so be sure to check that out too!
Soil is where all gardening starts – new farmers should always begin their journey by learning about the different types of soil and how to garden with clay soil . Additionally, you can always hire a landscaping service to help you out if you feel overwhelmed – just be sure that they’re up to date with the latest gardening trends.
Most seeds only need sunlight to begin growing. Keep them in something with drainage, like a small pot or bowl, and make sure they get at least 6 hours of sun each day! It’s great if you can give your plants an hour of indirect sunlight in the morning, then another hour or two of direct sunlight in the afternoon.
Water your plants regularly. You don’t need to overdo it – just make sure the soil is damp. If you water them once and they dry out, there’s no point in watering again until the soil has absorbed the previous amount of water! There are lots of great tips online if you’re unsure about how much to give your plants.
With these tips you’ll be on your way to growing some of your own food in no time! Remember, there’s no rush – gardening is about taking things slowly and absorbing yourself in nature. Once you get the hang of it, growing what you need for healthy meals will be simpler than ever before!
Common Gardening Terms
Aeration: The process of removing small pieces of soil from the ground in order to allow air and water into it. It’s done by using a tool called an aerator which is made up of spikes that are poked through the surface with enough force so they create deep holes but not too hard as to damage plants or roots. The reason for this practice is because when you walk on garden soils, oxygen and moisture can’t penetrate down very far below your feet due to their weight pushing them down like a pressure cooker pushes food down onto the bottom after being sealed tightly. But if there are lots of little gaps, then air will be able to circulate freely between layers without any problem! Soil aeration also helps loosen up soil which allows for better water infiltration and drainage.
Bulb: A bulb is a type of root that has a dense cluster of fleshy leaves at the base with one or more slender stems rising from it, where each stem terminates in an inflorescence. There are two types of bulbs that can be found, those that grow under ground like onion bulbs and those above ground such as lilies. The roots live underground while the flower grows outwards towards sunlight so they get their energy through photosynthesis instead!
Chlorophyll: Chlorophyll is what gives plants their green pigment because without chlorophyll there would be no food production to sustain themselves let alone any flowering buds to turn into seeds. It’s a vital substance for plants to be able to get the nutrients they need, and without it nothing would grow! Chlorophyll is made up of magnesium which binds with hydrogen so that sunlight can provide more energy in order to produce sugar from water and carbon dioxide.
Compost: Composting happens when organic waste breaks down into matter like soil because of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, protozoa etc., that feed on the wastes producing less offensive odors while also promoting growth by breaking down complex compounds back into minerals and simple chemicals which are then available for use again. The main benefits include improving both drainage and fertility levels within soils; reducing erosion due to air pockets created between particles (which reduces runoff); and reducing the need for artificial fertilizers.
Fertilizer: Fertilizers are a type of plant food that is used to promote healthy growth in plants by providing nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium which are important but usually found at low levels within soil. These elements help keep things like leaves strong instead of yellowing with age because they have been deprived of necessary minerals needed for photosynthesis! There can be many different types or commercial fertilizer available depending on what you’re looking for so it’s best to consult an expert before deciding.
Geraniums: Geraniums belong to the genus Pelargonium and grow in various colors from pink, red, white, blue and more! They come in both annual and perennial varieties which are often used as indoor plants during winter. They’re most well known for their flowers that grow in the form of a triangle and can be found with either smooth textured leaves or crumpled ones depending on what they were bred to do.
Heavy Soil: Soil that has a high concentration of clay and water retention properties due to the lack of air space between particles.
Mulch: Mulch is any material put down around plant roots so it’s easier for them to retain moisture, keep weeds away, conserve soil from drying out and much more! This stuff is typically anything like wood chips, bark dusts or straw etc., but you’ll have to ask an expert if you want something specific because there are many types available. The main reason why mulching works is because when water hits bare soil after rainfall like a puddle then this runoff water will wash away the nutrients before it can be taken up by plant roots.
Microgreen: Microgreens are seedlings which have been harvested at an early stage before they’ve reached their full-grown size.
Organic Seed: Organic seeds are for people who want to go “all natural” with things by planting them instead of buying plants from stores! There’s usually more time spent on each plant so germination rates increase, but it’ll depend what you’re looking for in particular when deciding if this is right for you.
Perennial: Perennials are plants that live for more than two years and go through a whole life cycle, meaning they grow back year after year so you never have to worry about re-planting them! They’re usually found in gardens or other public spaces like parks because they make great foliage and flowers while also providing protection from erosion due to their roots stabilizing soil.
Sprout: This term refers to any type of small shoot or bud found within plants like beans or peas etc., where they haven’t grown very much yet.
Sod: Sod is turf grass laid out underneath any type of growing surface whether that’s concrete, dirt etc., with rows buried every inch apart which has been cut into squares of thin strips depending on how thick you want your lawn to be. This stuff comes in many different colors like green, brown, blue and more so it’s best to consult an expert before deciding what you’re looking for.
Shade: Shade is any type of cover that’s found in the sun on plants like trees or bushes so they can be protected and avoid having too much exposure to sunlight! Different plants need different levels of shade depending on what they’re used for whether it be growing flowers, vegetables, fruit trees etc., which would all respond differently when exposed to full rays from the sun without proper protection.
Sunlight: Sunlight provides energy through both photosynthesis and respiration processes within plants in order to grow, but it can also be harsh and too intense for some plants so they need shade! The more sunlight that hits a plant the faster its growth will occur.
Thatch: Thatch is a layer of dead roots or other plant residues built up over time that are found at the base of plants which can lead to serious issues if not taken care of! It blocks out sunlight from reaching lower leaves; slows down water drainage because there isn’t any air space between particles; and increases soil acidity by stabilizing organic matter leading to high carbon dioxide levels in humid conditions (such as rain). Eventually this will stop photosynthesis with all these nasty effects going on.
Transplanting: This is the process of taking a plant from one location to another. It’s often used as an act of kindness for people who may not be able to do it themselves, or who don’t have enough time and/or space etc., but you can also use this term in other contexts depending on what type of plants are being transplanted!
Tillering: Tillering happens when lateral branches grow outwards which then leads to more leaves that will produce food at a faster rate due to all the sunlight exposure they’re getting. Basically it means there are lots of small shoots within your garden so keep an eye out for them! You’ll know if tillers exist by looking closely at leaf nodes because that’s the place where they’ll start to grow.
Watering: Watering is all about providing moisture to plants by wetting their soil in order for them to get water through their root system and into leaves where photosynthesis occures. This process takes time because there’s not always enough rainwater available or roots are blocked which would then leave your plant dry on top of everything else.
Weed Wackers: Weed wackers are handheld machines with blades like an electric lawn mower only these work much better at cutting right down really close without accidentally hurting other things while doing it! They’ve got a blunt end that’s used for pushing stuff out of the way like leaves, grass and other debris without damaging anything.
Wildflower: This term refers to any type of flower found in nature which can either be native or not depending on where you live! They’re usually known as being pest resistant because they don’t need a lot of care when compared with flowers grown by humans so it just makes sense to grow these instead if possible.
Wood Chip Mulch: Wood chips are basically small pieces of sawdust made from leftover wood pieces after being cut into smaller sizes using a chipper before then getting mixed up with bark dusts or straw etc., for mulching purposes. It helps moisten soil while also keeping weeds away, but you’ll have to ask an expert if you want something specific because there are many types available.
Wood Chips: Wood chips are basically small pieces of sawdust made from leftover wood pieces after being cut into smaller sizes using a chipper before then getting mixed up with bark dusts or straw etc., for mulching purposes. It helps moisten soil while also keeping weeds away, but you’ll have to ask an expert if you want something specific because there are many types available.
Zones: Zones refer to a numbering system that is used in gardening for different parts of the world which you can find on your atlas or just by looking online as well! The number indicates what type of climate zone it is and will help when deciding whether plants are appropriate for that location.
In conclusion
Gardening is a great hobby for many reasons. It’s therapeutic, it helps you grow healthy food and it can even be used to regulate your mental health. You don’t need much to get started either – just some land that gets sunshine, the will to work the soil and a few tools!
The benefits of gardening include reduced stress, improved moods and increased activity levels. There are also tangible rewards like vegetables that save money!
Starting your own garden means picking out healthy seeds, getting your soil ready and preparing the space where you’ll be planting. You can also get help from a landscaping service if you don’t want to do everything yourself!