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Martial arts are a physical, mental, and spiritual pursuit that can be practiced for many reasons. Some people practice martial arts to become more self-aware or disciplined. Others do it because they want to keep fit or learn how to defend themselves in the event of an attack. Martial artists often find their way into this ancient discipline for many different reasons but one thing is common among all of them: They enjoy it!

Kickboxing as a Hobby

One such group of martial artists who enjoy what they’re doing (and don’t seem like they’re trying too hard) are those who practice kickboxing as a hobby. Kickboxing is actually a form of martial arts that focuses on the use of your feet, fists, elbows, and knees all at once during a fight; It also helps build muscles, burn calories and strengthen your core!

Pros and Cons of Kickboxing

If you’re thinking that this is the type of hobby everyone should take up, let’s go over some pros and cons:


  • Kickboxing is a sport or hobby that helps improve cardiovascular health by giving your heart and lungs a good workout. It will help strengthen your immune system and help prevent certain types of diseases such as high cholesterol. It also reduces stress levels through the intensity of the workouts.
  • You’ll be proud to know that many celebrities practice kickboxing as hobbies including. That means it must be something worth doing right?
  • If you love to compete against other people, then there are many kickboxing classes that offer tournaments.
  • A great thing about kickboxing is that not only do you get to learn how to protect yourself but you’re also getting in shape at the same time! The more intense your workout session (and of course depending on how much you eat) will be able to see physical changes within weeks!


  • A drawback about martial arts is that studios usually require students to sign lengthy contracts; New students may feel like they’re stuck at a school for years if they don’t like it or if their schedule changes. Of course, some studios provide month-to-month agreements but some still require longer commitments. If money has been an issue before taking up any hobby then this might not be the best choice.
  • Time commitment is another issue that some people face when they try to take up a new hobby. Martial arts classes usually meet at least twice a week and last for an hour or two.
  • If you’re not in good shape, start with a less intense martial art or work your way up to kickboxing. The last thing you want to do is injure yourself by trying something too hard too fast!

So there you have it! Kickboxing can be a great hobby for those who are looking to get in shape or have some fun. It’s also been known to help relieve stress and give people a feeling of self-defense and accomplishment. Remember, if you’re just starting out, don’t overwhelm yourself by doing too much. You’ll be able to see physical changes in no time!

How to get Started with Kickboxing

Kickboxing is a fantastic hobby that’s not just about punching and kicking—it’s a total body workout that can help you blow off some steam, improve your fitness, and learn some seriously cool moves. But you might be wondering, “Where do I even start?” Don’t sweat it; we’re here to guide you through every step!

Find the Right Kickboxing Class

First things first, you need to find the perfect class that suits your level and needs. Kickboxing classes range from cardio-based workouts to more technical training focused on form and precision. Think about what you want to achieve. If you’re after a high-intensity cardio workout that’ll get you sweating buckets, a cardio-kickboxing class might be right up your alley.

If you’re more interested in mastering the techniques and learning the sport’s strategic elements, look for classes that focus more on these aspects. Some of these classes might even incorporate sparring sessions (don’t worry, it’s usually very controlled and safety is the priority) to give you a real feel for the sport.

Gear Up

Okay, so you’ve found your perfect class. What’s next? Time to shop! Depending on your class type, you might need some kickboxing gear. At the very least, you’ll need a good pair of cross-training shoes and comfortable workout clothes.

If you’re attending a more technical class, you might need a pair of boxing gloves and hand wraps to protect your knuckles. Always remember, safety first! Your class instructor or gym can give you a recommendation on the type of gear you need, and often they might even have gear available for you to use.

Learning the Basics

Ready to throw your first punch? Not so fast! Like any sport, you gotta learn the basics first. Kickboxing involves a combination of punches, kicks, knee strikes, and footwork. You’re not just randomly swinging and kicking around. Each move is a calculated action.

Typically, you’ll start with learning how to stand—your stance is the foundation for all your movements. Once you’ve got that down, you’ll move on to punches like the jab, cross, hook, and uppercut. After that, you’ll get into kicks, learning front kicks, roundhouse kicks, and sidekicks. It might seem overwhelming at first, but don’t worry, you’ll get the hang of it with practice.

Practice, Practice, Practice!

Once you’ve got the basics down, it’s all about practice. As the saying goes, “Practice makes perfect,” and it couldn’t be more true in kickboxing. Don’t worry if you don’t get it right away—nobody expects you to be Muhammad Ali on your first day.

Set yourself small, achievable goals. Maybe today you focus on getting your jab just right. Tomorrow, you can focus on your roundhouse kick. Small victories add up, and before you know it, you’ll be flowing through combinations like a pro.

Essential Equipment for Kickboxing

Alright, let’s talk gear. You know the saying, “Dress for success”? Well, that totally applies to kickboxing, too! Having the right equipment can make all the difference in your training. Plus, it’s just plain fun to get all decked out. So, let’s break down what you’re gonna need:

Boxing Gloves

These are your bread and butter! A quality pair of boxing gloves are key to practicing your punches, protecting your hands, and making you look like a bonafide kickboxer. Gloves range in weight from 10 to 16 ounces. If you’re a beginner, 12 to 14-ounce gloves are usually a safe bet.

Hand Wraps

Before you put on those gloves, you’re gonna want to wrap up. Hand wraps provide extra protection to your wrists, knuckles, and smaller bones in your hands. They might seem a bit tricky to put on at first, but there are plenty of YouTube tutorials to help you get the hang of it.


Safety first, right? A mouthguard is essential to protect your teeth during any sparring or heavy bag work. You can get a standard one from any sports store, or for a more comfortable fit, get a dentist to custom-make one for you.

Athletic Shoes

Kickboxing involves a lot of quick, dynamic movements, so you’ll need a solid pair of shoes. Look for cross-training shoes that offer good lateral support to handle all the shuffling and pivoting you’ll be doing.

Comfortable Clothing

Last, but definitely not least, comfortable workout clothes are essential. You’ll be moving a lot, so opt for something that gives you plenty of mobility. Moisture-wicking materials are a plus to help keep you dry during those intense sessions.

Remember, gear can make or break your training experience. Invest in quality equipment that will last and keep you safe.

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