Yoyo as a hobby is something that may seem like a small, unimportant thing to some people. However, the benefits of yoyo as a hobby are many- and they can be life-changing! Let’s explore ten of these benefits and why you should consider picking up the hobby for yourself!
Before we get into the benefits of yoyo, let’s first take a moment to discuss what yoyo actually is. Yoyo is a toy that has been around for centuries, and it is made up of two parts- the yoyo itself and the string.

The yoyo is a small, disc-shaped object that is attached to the end of a long piece of string.
When you throw the yoyo into the air, it spins around its axle and then returns to your hand. The string is used to help control the yoyo and to make it return to your hand.
Yoyo is a fun hobby that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It is a great way to keep your mind active and to improve your hand-eye coordination.
10 Benefits of Yoyo as a Hobby
It’s cheap!
Yoyo as a hobby can be inexpensive because there are so many types of yoyos to choose from that you can find very cheap. You may even already have the basics at home. If not, even if you start with one of the high-end metals like an Avant-Garde, you’re still only looking at a $50 investment at most.
It’s portable!
Another great thing about yoyo as a hobby is that it is so portable! You can take it with you wherever you go and it’s small enough to fit in your pocket. This makes it easy to work on your skills when you have some free time.
It’s social!
One of the best things about yoyo as a hobby is that it is extremely social. There are tons of events all over the world where people come together to share their love of yoyoing. This is a great way to meet new people and make friends with like-minded individuals.
It’s challenging!
Yoyo as a hobby is also something that can be very challenging. This makes it exciting and rewarding because you really get the sense of accomplishment when you finally learn something after practicing for so long. That’s one of the best parts about yoyoing- there is always more to learn!
It’s creative!
Another great benefit of yoyo as a hobby is that it is extremely creative. You can express yourself through your tricks, combos, etc. There are tons of different styles out there that you can try and find your own unique style adds another element to the game of yoyo!
It’s meditative!
Yoyos are small yet they require immense focus in order to catch them on their string. This focus is what makes yoyoing a great hobby for those looking for a more meditative experience. It can be calming and relaxing to focus all of your energy into mastering a new trick.
It’s educational!
Believe it or not, yoyo as a hobby is also educational! There are many physics concepts that can be explored through the study of yoyo tricks. In addition, yoyos can help improve hand-eye coordination, dexterity, and more.
It’s global!
The yoyo community is global! You can find people from all over the world who love yoyoing and share their skills with others. This means that you always have access to new ideas and techniques no matter where you are.
It’s addicting!
Once you get started yoyoing, it’s hard to stop! This is because the hobby is so rewarding and challenging. You just can’t help but keep practicing in order to improve your skills.
It’s FUN!
At the end of the day, yoyo as a hobby is just plain fun! There’s nothing quite like the feeling of nailing a new trick or combo after hours of practice. When you find something that you love doing, it doesn’t feel like work- it feels like play!
Getting Started
Choosing Your Yoyo: It’s More than Just a Toy
You might be thinking, “It’s a yoyo, how complicated can it be?” And you know what? You’re right! But there are a few things you should consider to ensure you get the perfect partner for your yoyo journey.
First off, it’s essential to find a yoyo that feels comfortable in your hand. It should have a nice weight to it, not too heavy and not too light. The shape also matters, as yoyos typically come in three styles: classic, butterfly, and modified. The classic is great for basics, while butterfly is excellent for string tricks, and the modified style suits looping tricks.
A beginner-friendly yoyo would be a ‘responsive’ yoyo – they come back to your hand with just a simple tug of the string. As you progress, you might want to try ‘unresponsive’ yoyos, which require a trick called a ‘bind’ to return to your hand. Remember, it’s not just about the look, it’s about how it feels and how it suits your style!
Getting a Grip: Holding Your Yoyo Right
OK, now that you’ve got your yoyo, let’s make sure you’re holding it correctly. Your middle finger should be wrapped around the string, about an inch or two from the yoyo. The yoyo itself should rest in the palm of your hand. Make sure it’s facing upwards – think of it as a little bowl holding all your awesome potential yoyo skills!
Throwing the yoyo is pretty simple. Just remember: “The bigger the throw, the bigger the show!” With a strong, straight throw, you can make the yoyo sleep at the end of the string. This is the starting point for most of the amazing tricks you’re going to learn.
Starting Simple: The Basic Yoyo Tricks
So you’ve got your yoyo and you know how to hold and throw it. Great! Now, let’s talk tricks. We’ll start simple and then move to the more complicated stuff.
Begin with the ‘sleeper’. This trick is when the yoyo stays spinning (or “sleeping”) at the end of the string without climbing back up. Once you’re comfortable with that, try the ‘forward pass’, where you throw the yoyo forward instead of down. After you’ve mastered these, you can try ‘walk the dog’ – a fun trick where the sleeping yoyo is allowed to roll on the ground before snapping it back into your hand.
Keep Yo-Yoing: Practice Makes Perfect
Alright, rookie! You’re on your way to becoming a yoyo master! Remember, it’s all about practice. Don’t get discouraged if you can’t get a trick right away – every professional yoyo player was once a beginner, just like you.
Types of Yoyos
Who knew that the humble yoyo, that little spinning wonder, could come in so many shapes, sizes, and styles? It’s like a buffet of fun, and we’re going to sample everything on offer! Let’s roll through some of the different types of yoyos you’ll find on your journey.
Classic or Traditional Yoyos
First up, we’ve got the yoyo everyone pictures when they hear the word “yoyo” – the classic, or traditional, yoyo. This design is time-tested, having provided fun for folks for generations. Classic yoyos are typically round or imperial-shaped, and they’re excellent for beginners as they are usually responsive, meaning they’ll return to your hand with a simple tug.
Butterfly Yoyos
Next, let’s flutter over to the butterfly yoyo. The name might sound a bit fancy, and that’s because it is! These yoyos have a wider, flared shape that looks a bit like a butterfly, hence the name. This design is perfect for string tricks because it provides a large catch area. So, if you’re ready to spread your wings and try some more advanced moves, the butterfly yoyo is for you.
Modified Yoyos
The modified yoyo is the cool cousin of the yoyo family. This style has a narrower, looping profile. They’re designed for looping tricks, hence the other name they go by – loopers! Modified yoyos often have a round or imperial shape with an angled edge to the inside, making them a hit with players who are into fast and impressive looping tricks.
Offstring Yoyos
Then we have the daredevils of the yoyo world – the offstring yoyos. These aren’t attached to the string like traditional yoyos. You actually launch them into the air and catch them on the string again. It’s a high risk, high reward kind of yoyoing!
Responsive and Unresponsive Yoyos
Finally, we have responsive and unresponsive yoyos. Responsive yoyos return to your hand with a simple tug on the string, which is great for beginners. Unresponsive yoyos, on the other hand, require a trick called a ‘bind’ to make them return. This makes them better suited to advanced yoyoers who want to try complex tricks.