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10 Best Hobbies to Take Up During Lockdown

It’s an unfortunate reality that we live in a world where we can never truly be sure if the next day will be our last. The only thing we know for certain is that there will always be some sort of lockdown, natural disaster or other event to disrupt the status quo and shake things up. But all hope is not lost! There are many ways you can have fun during a lockdown and even get productive at the same time! Here are 10 hobbies that I recommend trying out when you find yourself stuck indoors with nothing to do.

Write your own book

Best Hobbies to Take Up During Lockdown

This might sound intimidating but it’s actually really easy with programs like Scrivener which help you take notes, organize them into chapters, create outlines and more. I like to use Scrivener for some of my blogs because it helps me organize all the points I want to make and put them in the right order while still allowing me to jump around between sections easily. This feature is also great when you are trying to write a book because it allows you to easily divide up the work into chapters or scenes that come together cohesively at the end.

Writing your own book can be a lot of fun, especially if you have had an idea bouncing around your head forever but couldn’t quite get it down on paper! Think about what type of book you would be interested in writing and go from there. It can be whatever you want so don’t worry about whether or not it is ‘worthy’ of being a book. If you enjoy doing it, it will be fun and that’s what matters!

Learn a new language

You might think learning a new language will take too much time or commitment but there are many apps and websites out there designed to help you learn at your own pace and on the go! It’s so easy to put on some headphones and listen to French, Spanish, Italian etc. lessons while commuting to work or going about your day during lockdown.

If you already know how to speak another language then why not practice by listening to native speakers from around the world? You can find these types of videos with ease on YouTube by looking up things like “learn the most spoken languages in the world” or “Spanish soap operas with English subtitles.”

Of course, if you already know a language then writing an article about how to learn another one might not be your cup of tea but I wanted to include it anyway because there are plenty of people out there that still want to learn and could use some inspiration! You can also practice by listening to songs from foreign artists and seeing if you can sing along yourself.


If you enjoy knitting as a hobby, why not take advantage of lockdown by whipping out those needles and getting started on something wonderful? Knitted items make great gifts for friends and family (especially during Christmas!) so if you find yourself stuck inside without much else to do then consider starting a knitting project.

I’d recommend looking up some cute patterns online and purchasing any supplies you don’t yet have (the internet is your best friend for this!) If you can’t afford to buy anything right now, why not make use of the time by learning how to crochet or tat? Those are fun hobbies in their own rights and allow you to make beautiful crafts if you spend enough time practicing!

Learn to play guitar

While many people know how to play the guitar, there are still plenty who would like learn but simply haven’t found the time. Between work, family obligations, friends and other hobbies it can often be difficult to find an opening in your schedule that allows you to focus on learning how to play.

This is where lockdown comes in! Whether you have a guitar lying around your house or are looking into buying one, learning chords and strumming patterns while under lockdown can be more productive then just sitting around watching TV all day.

Learn Yoga

Yoga is not only good for keeping your body healthy but also for keeping your mind sharp. There are many different types of yoga routines out there so even if you think you’ll hate it, I encourage you to try it anyway! You might find that some styles are more up your alley than others or that certain activities trigger pain in parts of your body that prevent you from enjoying what most people would consider relaxing.

If this is the case then why not practice with YouTube videos instead? Not only are there many great instructional videos on YouTube but you can also find some amazing, calming music. If you already know how to do yoga then consider taking your practice to the next level with things like meditation or tai chi.

Watch Youtube

There is no shortage of things to watch on Youtube! Whether you enjoy watching full episodes of TV shows (past and present), your favorite musicians perform covers, people go through their daily routines or fully fledged video game walkthroughs; Youtube has something for everyone.

Of course, if it’s lockdown you might want to avoid any sort of drama-type videos that could end up making you feel bad even though I would argue that a little bit of entertainment never killed anyone! You can also find instructional videos on topics like how to take care of your nails, cooking tutorials and even some foreign language courses.


If you have a green thumb then why not use the time inside to grow something beautiful? If you have an outdoor garden then lockdown can provide excellent opportunity for maintaining that area. If there are plants in your apartment or dorm room that need water then watering them while it’s raining outside just isn’t sustainable long term.

This is where lockdown comes in! Make sure to look around for weeds early on before they take over everything else and make sure to fertilize if needed. Planting seeds is another fun activity but make sure you do this well ahead of the lockdown ending or you might just end up with a bunch of weeds.

Learn to Meditate

Meditation is the practice of clearing your mind and focusing on nothing but your daily breathing. It can be used in many different ways, some find it helpful for falling asleep while others use it as an escape from reality when they are feeling overwhelmed.

Whether you’re brand new to this or already consider yourself advanced, there is always more that you can learn about meditating. If no one around you understands why you would want to spend time doing something like this then I suggest trying to explain how it helps with stress management (especially around the holidays).

By using meditation techniques when things get tough (like during lockdown) you can prevent yourself from getting too upset, angry or just overwhelmed.

Play Video Games

Playing video games can be very entertaining but I bet you’ve never played a game under lockdown! During the day if things are getting too boring then pause your game, take a break and go explore or read. When it gets dark though that’s when things get interesting!

Being able to sit in one place for hours at a time means enemies won’t see you coming and this makes for some really unique opportunities when doing things like sneaking up on other players or avoiding an alien invasion.

Headphones are also useful during lockdown since noise travels extremely well in low temperatures. Make sure not to make any unnecessary sound while playing, learn how to step lightly using only the tips of your toes to roll around instead of walking with your whole foot. If you don’t have any games to play already then I suggest asking around because there ares lots of people who would just love to help you out!

Digital Painting

If you’re the creative type then why not try to teach yourself how to digitally paint? There are loads of free or low cost tools available on the internet for this.

Once again, if someone around you doesn’t seem to understand what you would be doing with your time then just tell them that it helps when you need to relax.

As long as the internet and power is on then you should be good to go! If there is no wifi then check out some youtube tutorials on topics like: How to draw animals and people, how to paint by numbers and even some lessons on how to paint using watercolors.


This article has given many ways to help you pass the time and even make it a little bit more interesting during lockdown. With those simple hobbies under your belt you will be able to laugh in the face of any crisis, it’s now up to you to use that power for good!

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